Regulatory Information

Legal Entity

The full name of our company is : BRENEITHICAL LTD T/A Portaferry Pharmacy
We trade as a Limited Liability Company (No. NI698570) registered in : Northern Ireland

Our principal place of business and correspondence address is : 39 High Street Portaferry Newtownards County Down Northern Ireland BT22 1QT

Contact details can be found on our home page

Regulation GPhC

Our Pharmacy and Pharmacists are regulated and registered with the PSNI and you can view our Registration in the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland Register
We are subject to the rules and regulations detailed at the PSNI Code of Ethics
Pharmacy & Pharmacists
Our Principal and  Independent Prescriber Pharmacist is Joanne McMullan registration number: 3187IP
The Pharmacist in Portaferry Pharmacy (Reg No :474) is Patricia Finnegan  registration number : 2965

VAT Registration

Our VAT number is : 462 371 888

Data Protection

Our DP Registration number is : ZB718734